Gables Perfect Smile

Who Is a Good Candidate for Gum Smile Surgery?

Feb 2, 2011 @ 01:16 PM — by
Tagged with: Gum Surgery Reducing Gummy Smile Lip Repositioning

If you have a smile that exposes too much of your gums, you know just how self-conscious that can leave you. You may be hesitant to smile while in public, or you may cover your mouth at times because you don’t want people to notice the condition of your mouth. Even if you have great teeth and healthy gums, it’s bound to leave you feeling a bit socially aware.

Over here at Coral Gables cosmetic dentistry, we understand this concern and know that our patients are not just concerned about the health and appearance of their teeth but rather the health and appearance of all structures and parts of their mouth. With that in mind, we have many ways of treating those gummy smiles and are also looking at other methods that are available as well.

One such method we want to look at right now is known as lip repositioning. No, this doesn’t involve removing your lips and placing them elsewhere. Instead, this is a surgical option for dealing with those gummy smiles that may be quite effective. If you upper lip shows too much gum, then lip positioning may be ideal for you. The surgery involves adjusting the juncture inside the mouth where the gums meets the inside of the upper lip. This surgery is safe, effective, and is free from major discomfort. The best candidates for lip repositioning surgery are people in good health who have healthy mouths, meaning good gums and no major dental problems that may make lip repositioning difficult or ill advised.

With that in mind, there is another option for dealing with gummy smiles if you are not a good candidate for lip repositioning or if lip repositioning is not a good option for your needs. This is known as Coral Gables cosmetic gum surgery. Cosmetic gum surgery uses safe laser technology to help contour and reshape some gum tissue that may be dominating your teeth and your smile.

For more information on how to deal with gummy smiles as well as other dental care issues, but sure to contact our Coral Gables cosmetic dentistry office. We look forward to meeting with you.